Why there's been no stories for a while...sorry
Well I promised some people I'd have a story about Will Young out by now, but things happened beyond my control, first off Sims 3 that distracted me but I promised to get back to Sims 2 to finish the story but then my laptop decided to start overheating even thoug it wasn't even a year old.
So now I'm back on my old laptop until Fujitsu send it back and this laptop also has an overheating problem, but least this laptop is a good deal older, so I'm stuck not being able to play my old Sims 2 neighbourhood, because I can only really run Sims 2 on this laptop, not all the expansions as well, so until I get my laptop back there won't be any Sims 2 stories anytime soon. Hopefully it will be back by the end of this week and I shall work on getting the Will story finished and out but I also have a resit to worry about in August - real life always seems to get in the way :(
Well I just thought I'd let people know what was happening just in case people wondered why the Legacy had stopped, it will continue I promise, once I get my laptop back! :)
Happy simming everyone!
Shell :)